
It is simple. Love Thy Neighbor.

My Imagination Attracts All Cooperative Relationships…

"Let your light shine, some will see it, others will see themselves." Val Nek

15-Minute Gentle Morning Flow with Action Jacquelyn


Dr. Group - Candida, Parasites and Natural Healing - Part 2

The Best Zucchini Brownies You’ll Ever Eat

Do it and do it well.

One of my favorite quotes...

Law of Attraction is Universal, and every person is affected by it.

If peace is really what you want, then you will choose peace.

Could Fixing Your Gut Help Treat Depression?

I love my grounding mat!

You cannot have a happy ending to an unhappy journey.

Percy Priest Lake in Nashville TN

Make your peace with outrageous abundance!

So, the truth is, there’s not one path of integrity and character.

Follow Your Bliss (with Discernment)

Water Fire Air Earth Spirit

What to Know About Watermelons


Yoga Breathing Technique for Stress & Anxiety - Alternate Nostril Breathing or Nadi Shodona

You're already a black belt, kung fu, Jedi Master.

What if every wrinkle, scar, or gray hair only made you more beautiful?

I am so grateful for the 21 Angels encircling, protecting, guiding and sending me love and light at all times.

Ego vs Higher Self

Don't Ya - Frequency 800

Zinc is an essential trace mineral that plays a role in more than a hundred enzymatic reactions in the body, which is why consuming foods high in zinc is so important.

You are not the darkness you endured. You are the light that refused to surrender.

When you see someone manifesting something they wanted or you wanted, get excited! It has appeared for you to see and you are lining up with the vibration of having it too! Celebrate with them... you're almost there!

Your greatest test will be how you handle the people who mishandled you.

You can say things like, “As I look at successful people, and by that I mean rich people, yes, and I mean happy people, and sometimes they’re rich and happy.”

Fun Things to do in Nashville, TN - The Blue Moon Waterfront Grille - Dinner on the River

If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration

The classic Problem Reaction Solution Paradigm

This Secret is How Consciousness is Used to Create Realities

It feels so good to realize that the Energy that creates worlds is supporting you; to wake up every morning in clarity, knowing exactly who-you-are; to know that Source is thinking through you;

Where do I vibrate? Music has a frequency - What is the frequency of my music?

I Fooled Around and Fell in Love - 800 Frequency

Every physical being on this planet is your partner in co-creation, and if you could accept that and appreciate the diversity of desires and beliefs, all of you would have a more expansive, satisfying, fulfilling experience.

Nashville Tennessee Day Trips

Connecting to the Creator and Cleansing the Body of Negative Energy. Can you See and Feel Source?

Buttons pressed? Levers thrown? Banners unfurled? Wheels turned? Hats tipped? Winks winked? Angels sent? Connections made? And conga lines formed?

Today I am grateful that I live in a country and a time where I am not burned at the stake for my "magical" powers.

Why are we here? Where did we come from? What is the purpose of Life? Why is Life so Hard? What is the meaning of Life?

8 Different Types of Love According to the Ancient Greeks

The content of your vibration equals how you feel right now.

Thermography and Mammography

Learn to sit back and observe. Not everything needs a reaction.

Living in Light & Love Jewelry

You may face many defeats in your life, but never let yourself be defeated.

Let your dominant intent be to feel good...

Special Prayers for Heal, Healing and Happiness