Rhodonite Meaning and Properties

 Rhodonite Meaning and Properties

Rhodonite Meaning and Properties 

"rhodos," meaning "rose colored" 

 relaxed, revitalized, unconditional love 

Chakra - Heart 

Mineral Information
Manganese metasilicate 
Chemical Composition MnSiO3 
Color Rosy pink to pink with black inclusions 
Hardness 5-1/2 to 6-1/2 (Mohs) S
pecific Gravity 3.40 - 3.70 
Refractive Index 1.733 - 1.744 

Proper Care of Rhodonite 
Rhodonite is certainly not the toughest gemstone, but it is actually fairly resilient when it comes to the various cleaning methods that can be used. The most common and safest method for cleaning rhodonite is to use warm soapy water and an untreated cloth, but steaming can also be used and ultrasonic machines are usually safe. It's best to use the mildest method first. It is not recommended to boil rhodonite as a cleaning method. After cleaning rhodonite, store this gemstone away from harder gems or materials to avoid creating surface imperfections.
