Obsidian Properties & Characteristics



Properties of the Snowflake Obsidian

Snowflake Obsidian is created from lava from volcanos with each stone having unique lighter colors or white patches from minerals during the rapid cooling of the lava. It comes in many colors from black to light brown. It has a Mohs hardness of 5-5.5 on the Mohs Hardness Scale. It is often found in Mexico, Iceland, USA and in other volcanic areas.

Coming from volcanic earth, the Snowflake Obsidian is connected to your root chakra and is a very grounding stone. Emotions such as anger, fear, and resentment, which have been locked away in the subconscious, can be released to bring serenity, balance, and harmony to your mind, body, and soul easily. It is said to purify negativity, dissolve blocked tension and trauma, and even clear toxins. It’s also a stone that is associated with divine guides and guardian spirits and protection from negative energies. Carrying a Snowflake Obsidian in your pocket is a gentle reminder that your spirit guides are watching over you.  It can also help you harness your personal power, attain wealth and abundance and keep you focused to achieve all that you want in your professional or personal life.  Snowflake Obsidian is also associated with the element of water. Water is a powerful element that represents emotion, intuition, and psychic ability.

Metaphysical Properties Of Snowflake Obsidian

♥ Balance & Energy ♥ Purification & Transformation ♥ Protection & Security ♥ Grounding & Wisdom ♥ Manifestation & Physic Abilities ♥ Strength & Stability ♥ 

Cleansing and Programming your Snowflake Obsidian

It is also important to cleanse and recharge your gemstones on a regular basis to keep them energetically strong and aligned with your intentions. To cleanse your Snowflake Obsidian gemstones run them under clean, chemically free water because they do absorb environmental and geopathic pollution. You can also place them in direct sunlight for a short time (when not in use, it is best to store your Snowflake Obsidian in a safe place away from direct sunlight) or smudge them. Once the stone is cleansed and recharged, hold it in your hand and state your intention out loud.

Affirmations that you can use with your Snowflake Obsidian

"I am love. I am love. I am love."

“I am balanced. I am balanced. I am balanced.”

“I am safe. I am safe. I am safe.”

"I am loved. I am loved. I am loved."

“I am protected. I am protected. I am protected.”

“I am connected to the earth and heavens. I am connected to the earth and heavens. I am connected to the earth and heavens.”

“I am at peace. I am at peace. I am at peace.”

"I have an abundance of health, wealth, joy, love, balance, protection, peace and I love and am loved unconditionally."

"I emanate pure unconditional love, peace and joy and I receive pure unconditional love, peace and joy. I emanate pure unconditional love, peace and joy and I receive pure unconditional love, peace and joy. I emanate pure unconditional love, peace and joy and I receive pure unconditional love, peace and joy."

Every gemstone has a distinctive vibration. Gemstones have been used for thousands of years, all over the world, and by Native Americans here in the USA. There is no scientific study saying that gemstones actually work. They have not been approved by the FDA.

Sources: All the information on this page and my selling platforms are found in The Crystal Bible, A Definitive Guide to Crystals by Judy Hall, classes I have taken and open sources on the internet.
