Why are we here? Where did we come from? What is the purpose of Life? Why is Life so Hard? What is the meaning of Life?

Why are we here? Where did we come from? What is the purpose of Life? Why is Life so Hard? What is the meaning of Life?

Why are we here? Where did we come from? What is the Purpose of Life? Why is Life so Hard? What is the meaning of Life? Am I on the Right Path?

The God Collective
The God Collective is an interconnected collective, the decisions of which are made by a hive mind, linked by Emotional Perfection (pure unconditional love). The God Collective inhabits the entire universe, possessing thousands of "angels". They operate toward the fulfillment of one purpose: to assist those who request assistance to dismiss guilt, fear, and shame from their lives and achieve Pure Unconditional Love. The concept of Emotional Perfection is the unifying idea at the core of the God Collective. The pursuit of Emotional Perfection is the God Collective's only motivation. This is achieved through voluntary assimilation, a process that can take individuals life-times to achieve.

The Purpose of Life - Becoming Emotional Perfection/Pure Unconditional Love

You came into this time/space reality with powerful and clear intent. The purpose of your life is to merge with the God Collective. To merge with the God Collective you need to master Pure Unconditional Love/Emotional Perfection. To master Pure Unconditional Love you need to rid yourself of guilt, fear, and shame and master tolerance, forgiveness, gratitude, patience, love, compassion, grace, humility, empathy, kindness, peace, joy, ease, and passion.

You chose to practice here are earth, or you wouldn't be reading this now. You chose to incarnate on this planet in your body (purposefully, like it or not), at this time, with the people you know/will meet and the experiences you have had/will have. You and the God Collective chose your current life path. You are learning lessons. There are no mistakes, only lessons. A lesson will be repeated until it is learned. (Do situations keep repeating themselves in your life? Why do you think that is?) You chose the people you love and hate (purposefully, like it or not). You chose the experiences you have loved and hated (purposefully, like it or not). You chose to learn from specific people and opportunities/experiences, to move you forward, onward, upward so you could master Pure Unconditional Love / Emotional Perfection. If you had an opportunity to learn, for example, forgiveness, and you didn't learn it, at the first easy experience/opportunity you created for yourself, then you have a bigger, less comfortable experience/opportunity to learn forgiveness, in the near future. If you choose not to learn it again, you will have an even bigger and even less comfortable opportunity/experience to learn forgiveness coming up soon after the last opportunity you skipped over, etc. If you choose not to learn it, in this lifetime, you may reincarnate again, until you learn forgiveness (or empathy, or love - you fill in the blank). The time it takes you to open your eyes, heart, and mind to learn and to master Pure Unconditional Love, is up to you. This is your life's purpose.

What happens when we die?

When you die, you and God (Collective) look back at your life and the opportunities/experiences you chose. If you mastered Pure Unconditional Love / Emotional Perfection you get to merge with God and help others along in their journey.  If you didn't take advantage of the learning experiences/opportunities to master Pure Unconditional Love, then you have the option of living this life path over again or creating a new "easier" life path. If you have ever experienced deja vu, you have chosen to relive this lifetime, possibly many times. So open your eyes, your mind, and your heart and learn what you have chosen to learn, from the people you have chosen to help, guide, and teach you and the experiences you have chosen to have. Otherwise, you may continue to reincarnate and continue to be faced with the attribute you are not allowing into your heart and mind, indefinitely.

Why am I here?
To experience love in all of its forms. Any questions?

How do I know if I am on the right path?

There are no coincidences. Here's your sign. If you are feeling empowered you are on the right path (note who is around you and who isn't). If you feel frustrated, helpless, anger, hate, and judgment (guilt, fear, and shame), you missed some people and some signs along the way. Realign yourself so you may continue to move forward or you may re-live this lifetime until you finally chose to realign yourself and learn from the opportunities/experiences and from the people you have chosen to teach and guide you. 

 If you experiencing struggle and/or suffering it is because you have forgotten why you are here and you are not on the path you chose. God didn't intend for you to be a surrogate sufferer. You have Free Will, exercise your free will and respect the free will of others.

Free Will

You have free will. Everyone you know has free will. You must honor your free will and the free will of everyone and don't interfere with anyone without their permission "the prime directive". You don't have the right to make choices and decisions for other people and you don't have the right to change someone else's choices or decisions. Support them, right or wrong (which is love, the opposite of judgment). Every choice and decision is a learning experience for the individual making it and the individuals watching. They've chosen those experiences and you've chosen to watch. Don't like what you are seeing? Too bad. Let it happen. Let go. Move on.

Red Flags
Fear, guilt, shame, struggle, and suffering are red flags. If you are involved in any group, organization, institution, or family that employs fear, guilt, or shame, be aware that they are controlling you (and themselves). If you want to be controlled, that is OK. If you don't want to be controlled, let go. Letting go of fear, guilt, and shame will allow joy, love, and ease to enter your life. Which do you prefer? Which feels betters? When you do something out of guilt for what will happen if you don't... When you do something out of shame or fear of what will happen if you don't... you are allowing yourself to be controlled. A good litmus test (IF you have a post-conventional morality )... 1) Does it feel good/is it fun 2) Is it beneficial/is it productive. Everything you do should satisfy BOTH criteria.

I think I need guidance.

You have contracts with the people you know (past, present, future). Relationships are forever. They are eternal. Not just permanent in this lifetime. Once you establish a relationship, it is an eternal relationship. What holds bad things in your life is always your attention to those bad things, always. Release your past and people in your present. Wait for the future. Who are the most happy, joyful, loving, and blissful in your life right now? Align yourself with them. They have chosen to help you along your life path. They're just waiting for you to ask. Open your heart and mind to all possibilities. Do you know people who live in fear, guilt, shame or who continually struggle and suffer? You may be standing, or laying, next to the wrong people. Be aware they are choosing not to move forward and you have chosen to allow them to prevent you from moving forward, as well. Also recognize the greater the emotional pain, the greater the desire you had to learn the most, fast.

I can't do it?

Yes. You can. Keep in mind, you might need to let go, to move forward, IF moving forward is your goal (to prevent reliving this lifetime). What you make of this life is up to you. Respect yourself enough to walk away from anything or anyone that no longer allows you to move forward. If you are at peace, happy, joyful, at ease, and in blissful (love), some of the time, then you are on the right path. Take a look around you. How do the people you have in your life make you feel? How do they treat you? Do they make you feel good? Respect or fulfill you? Love you how you love them? Your attitude and energy attract the people who will either keep you down or lift you up, it is always your choice. Pain or pleasure. Choose wisely. In your heart, you know what you need to do. Do or do not. There is no try.

Leigha Montigue

Present / Future Hexagram
Affluence / Clinging Like Fire 

New info: 3 Gods? God (m), Aphrodite (f), and Venus (f) - need to research further...
Now you know; Why are we here? Where did we come from? What is the Purpose of Life? What is the meaning of Life? and life is as hard as you make it.
