Malachite Properties & Characteristics

Malachite Meaning and Properties - "The Money Stone or Stone of Transformation"

Malachite Meaning and Properties - "The Money Stone or Stone of Transformation"

Malachite is the truly empowering crystal that will assist you in doing inner work to manifest all that you desire. It helps you explore your innermost thoughts and feelings and find your highest path forward. Malachite's protective properties gently guides and guards you along your journey as you leave your ego behind and transform and transmute yourself on an emotional and intellectual level. It facilitates and releases negativity and trauma on all levels and guards and guides you toward total transformation which then grants you with the gift of abundance manifestation. Malachite will assist you in stepping into your true power and becoming a manifestation goddess.

Alternative crystals: Black Obsidian (surface and release blockages) + Rhodochrosite, Rose Quartz or Mangano Calcite (forgiveness)

Caring for Malachite

Malachite is fragile and can be easily scratched so protect it from your other jewely, when not being worn, by storing it in the protective pouch it came in. To clean it gently rinse it with clean water and let it air dry. Do not use jewelry chemicals or cleaners.


Malachite has been around reportedly since 4000 BC. and worn as jewelry and used in art.


Recharge your Malachite by placing in on a clear quartz cluster and then rising it with clean water.

Malachites compounds

I love malachite's green marbling. The shades of green come from the copper and water percentage. Smaller amounts of water mean more hydrous copper which will make it a darker shade of green. The areas where there is little/no water appear black.

Malachite Mediations - Find the mediation that best resonates with you. Here is one option...

1. Deep breathe and ground yourself while relaxing in a quiet safe place.

2. Place the crystal on your solar plexus

3. Ask the crystal to let you know what you need to focus on and that would be beneficial to gently and safely release

4. White feeling the strong protection and gentle guidance of the crystal, ask the crystal to let you know what lessons the past pain helped you learn. Feel it. Give Thanks. Release.

5. Thank the Universe and Crystal for continued protection and the Earth for allowing you to stay grounded through the rest of the day or week.


Crystal Prosperity by Judy Hall

Manifesting with Crystals - Attracting Abundance, Wellness & Happiness by Judy Hall

Gemstones of the World: Newly Revised Fifth Edition Hardcover – July 2, 2013

Malachite Meaning and Properties - "The Money Stone or Stone of Transformation"

Malachite Meaning and Properties - "The Money Stone or Stone of Transformation"

Malachite is the truly empowering crystal that will assist you in doing inner work to manifest all that you desire. It helps you explore your innermost thoughts and feelings and find your highest path forward. Malachite's protective properties gently guides and guards you along your journey as you leave your ego behind and transform and transmute yourself on an emotional and intellectual level. It facilitates and releases negativity and trauma on all levels and guards and guides you toward total transformation which then grants you with the gift of abundance manifestation. Malachite will assist you in stepping into your true power and becoming a manifestation goddess.

Alternative crystals: Black Obsidian (surface and release blockages) + Rhodochrosite, Rose Quartz or Mangano Calcite (forgiveness)

Caring for Malachite

Malachite is fragile and can be easily scratched so protect it from your other jewely, when not being worn, by storing it in the protective pouch it came in. To clean it gently rinse it with clean water and let it air dry. Do not use jewelry chemicals or cleaners.


Malachite has been around reportedly since 4000 BC. and worn as jewelry and used in art.


Recharge your Malachite by placing in on a clear quartz cluster and then rising it with clean water.

Malachites compounds

I love malachite's green marbling. The shades of green come from the copper and water percentage. Smaller amounts of water mean more hydrous copper which will make it a darker shade of green. The areas where there is little/no water appear black.

Malachite Mediations - Find the mediation that best resonates with you. Here is one option...

1. Deep breathe and ground yourself while relaxing in a quiet safe place.

2. Place the crystal on your solar plexus

3. Ask the crystal to let you know what you need to focus on and that would be beneficial to gently and safely release

4. White feeling the strong protection and gentle guidance of the crystal, ask the crystal to let you know what lessons the past pain helped you learn. Feel it. Give Thanks. Release.

5. Thank the Universe and Crystal for continued protection and the Earth for allowing you to stay grounded through the rest of the day or week.


Crystal Prosperity by Judy Hall

Manifesting with Crystals - Attracting Abundance, Wellness & Happiness by Judy Hall

Gemstones of the World: Newly Revised Fifth Edition Hardcover – July 2, 2013 by Walter Schumann

