This Secret is How Consciousness is Used to Create Realities

I had to listen to this video by Sarah Elkhaldy 4 times and take notes... so much information in a short amount of time... FYI, you can't watch this at 1.5 speed.

Revelation of the Method
Extract our free will without us knowing that they are doing so. So we give our consent to experience trauma-based mind control. We have to be in a collective state of trauma for this to work. We are shown events before they actually happen.

A Law in our Universe
"No version of reality that is experienced collectively can do so without our free will consent."

To carry out Revelation of the Method
1. Predictive Programming (Paradym Blindness)
2. Repetition through Strong Imagery, Sensational Speech, and Collective Shock 
(Violent Imagery and Fear-Based Reporting & Media bypass our conscious mind)
When we are in fear they can bypass our conscious mind.

We need to be aware of it because it is being used against us.

Our Collective Consciousness is constantly being misdirected, redirected and focused into specific timelines and narrowed and narrowed onto timelines with specific outcomes. They are predetermined and predesigned and are not the most optimal timelines. This is where our empathy and humanity get turned and used against us.

Problem Reation Solution Paradym
Create a Problem, Create a Reaction, Offer a predetermined Solution. We are being manipulated into seeing events to condition us into these trauma-induced timelines that are created to further enslave us We aren't using our free will because we are being emotionally manipulated into believing that we are helpless and powerless and only someone else must solve the problem.

How to counteract this Revelation of the Method
1st Step - Awareness that this is happening.
2st Step - Healing from trauma
3rd Step -  Stepping into our sovereignty and declaring our sovereignty in all areas and of our being
"I DO NOT CONSENT" --- Our actions have to reflect what we are saying.

Our words much match our actions, which must match our beliefs, which must match our feelings.

Cognitive Dissonance

Watch What is Soul Loss

Shadow Work - 

Whatever you are not aware of can be used against you in this Universe

Humanity is on the optimal timeline

Today I'm going to be sharing the number #1 method that is being used to create our collective reality, as well as the universal law that is the reason why this method needs to be used and at the end of this video, I'm going to share how to counteract this method so that we all experience optimal collective timelines.
 #spiritualawakening #spirituality #consciousness #esoteric #vibration #alchemy #metaphysics #higherself
