
Not all storms come to disrupt your life. Some come to clear your path.

What are you throwing away?

How to Know if You are an Empath

Healing Trauma

Eat Clean Live Clean - The underlying cause of all illnesses is toxicity and malnutrition

The Science Behind Exercise's Mood-Lifting Effects - Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

Busy Busy Busy

Natural Law

If there is no source of illness, why are there so many sick people?

Brain Waves

Every thought, every action, every emotion creates a vibrational frequency through our universe. Be aware of your thoughts, actions and emotions because they are affection you far more than you realize.

Making someone feel seen, heard and understood is the loudest way to love them.

G Breath Meditation with DMT Releasing Pineal Activation

Kohlberg - EQ Emotional Intelligence Quotient