
When your inner world comes into order, your outer world will come into order

Adventurers Revelation

"Abraham is not about guiding anyone toward or away from anything. We want you to make all of your decisions about your desire. You have that right. You should be able to do that. Our only desire is that you discover the way to achieve your desires."

When you can't look on the bright side, I will sit with you in the dark.

Quote for Today from The Universe

Abraham Quote

Being in love is so good for you. Often when people are newly in love, things that have been bothering them for a long time get better. Something wonderful is calling the majority of their attention, so they’re holding themselves in a better vibrational place, so the stuff they’ve been wanting all along can now zoom in.

Get ready to keep your tryst with the universe. My Mentoring program is entitled Be-Live-Love for this reason.