How Can I Help?

Have you ever said or wanted to say “I told you so!“? Especially, to say it with an attitude of superiority?

It is a revengeful, unkind phrase. Please consider a different approach and words, based on Love and Compassion.
We, The People, are facing the reversal of millennia of falsehoods on many different topics. Most of our teachings for generations have been lies. Many lies are intentional, while others are misinformation passed on by ignorance and/or tradition.
These systematic, toxic lies are in the process of being dissolved, burned, flooded, or otherwise removed. The purpose of this worldwide war is destruction of evil to save and enhance the future of humanity. Concurrently, more truths are now being revealed, sometimes as half-truths, suggestions, metaphors, or puzzles.
Confusion is the norm. Turn to your wisdom within to minimize confusion and enhance your clarity. Do not give your power away to anyone else.
As you learn Truths or put puzzle pieces together in advance of others, be kind. As individual souls, We, The People, are becoming aware and awake at different times.
If you have been trying to convince others to come around to your way of thinking, remember to be gentle with those same individuals when proof is shown that you were right, and be humble when proof is shown that you were wrong.
If friends and family have resisted your ideas or ridiculed you, be prepared to welcome them back as if they had not resisted, and help them to adjust to the Truth. Do not mock them. Take the moral high ground.
“I told you so“ is a statement of disrespect, revenge, and false superiority. Make your relationships more important than being right or proving others wrong. Offer help, and encourage them to ask you questions so you are answering the ones that are important to them.
Keep in mind, the individual you want to diminish by saying “I told you so“ may have been:
*a victim of the MKUltra Project, or
*a highly evolved being who is playing a role to awaken YOU into loving kindness, or
*one who is protecting self because of past abuse, or
*one who is following a Spiritual Contract to play a role until complete.
I suggest “How can I help?” as a replacement phrase because, for me, that is the most natural. However, there are many, many other phrases you could use. Choose to be loving and empowering, and let the words flow.
Make this an Uplifting Day!
CREDIT:Jeanie Marshall
