Citrine Gemstone Meaning & Composition

According to Judy Hall Citrine is the abundance crystal. It teaches you how to live prosperously and shows you what true abundance is. It can attract abundance into your life and removes blocks to creativity.

Citrine is derived from the Latin word Citrina. Its pale yellow color is due to its iron content. In ancient times it was known as the "sun stone, money stone, merchant stone..." it transmutes negative energy and radiates positivity with its joyous energy.

November Birthstone (Scorpio) Oct 23-Nov21

Success, Money, Manifestation, Joy, Energy, Money, Improve Communications, Attract Wealth, Self-Esteem, Friendships, good health, inner wealth, outer riches, inner calm, innate wisdom, emotional balance

Solar Plexus

Yellow (Yellow is said to attract wealth)

Mercury or Messenger God  

Geological Properties
Mineral Based Silicon Dioxide

Natural Citrine is rare. Most citrine on the market is heat-treated.

Proper Care of Citrine
Most Citrine can be safely cleaned with warm, soapy water. Do not steam clean it. Abrupt temperature changes can cause it to fracture. Keep it away from chemicals to prevent fading and damage in shine.

Judy Hall, Manifesting with Crystals
Edward Cayce Guide to Gemstones, Minerals, Metals and More
Open Source

"Solar Plexus chakra: Color—yellow Location—stomach, at the convergence of the ribcage The solar plexus chakra is the seat of your personal power and material abundance, representing courage and manifestation on the physical plane. Citrine is the carrier of the yellow ray. Citrine is amethyst that has been heated up by either natural sunlight or, in many cases, artificial means. A wonderful stone, citrine never needs to be cleansed as most other stones do. It is very good to use for opening up all of the chakra centers, and it will energize you. A delightful by-product of citrine is that it will bring cash and money into your life (there is a difference between “abundance” and money). Known as the “Merchant’s Stone,” citrine will stimulate growth when you put it in your cash register or wallet." - Edward Cayce's Sacred Stones - The A-Z Guide to Working with Gems to Enhance Your Life and Health Shelley Kaehr, PhD 

Citrine - Left 2 columns
Middle Columns - Hessonite, 

