Enlightenment Solutions

"When one looks at the strategy of the 17WH Military it becomes obvious that there are some serious flaws in their thinking.  The Plan cannot be trusted because it is not based on true principles of enlightenment.  

  •  You cannot force anyone to become “enlightened” in fact this is a dark-side satanic strategy that the 17WH are also employing.  When they say they have “allowed” the dark side to play out their planned dark side deeds in order to see them crash and burn they are employing the Sun Tzu “Art of War”.  Using the momentum of the negative to destroy the enemy.  Hoping to expose the dark and allow it to destroy itself is not a means to deliver humanity from oppression. 
  • This is not the same as having fore knowledge that allows you to warn others in order to save lives or their well-being.  
  • For knowledge brings with it great responsibility.  That responsibility means that one must act to at the very least warn the innocent of what is coming.  What they do with that knowledge is then up to them.  Withholding the truth from others that could save lives or protect them is a crime.
  • Enlightenment cannot be forced through torture or suffering.  This is actually counter to the very nature of enlightenment.  If one group of people tortures or forces another group into pain and suffering in order to “teach them a lesson” they themselves engender and become part of a negative downward spiral that will eventually come back around.  
  • If you withhold knowledge to gain the upper hand eventually depending on the length of time involved you undermine your own position.  One of the greatest crimes between humans is that of withholding the truth.  This is perhaps the lesson of the century.
  • An eye for an eye leaves both people blind.  It is not the solution.
  • Conducting tribunals in secret is a crime against humanity.
  • Sacrificing one group of humans so that another group will awaken or thrive is a part of the negative cycle and will not result in enlightenment on either side.
  • Enlightenment (and ascension) is not a numbers game.  There is no quid pro quo in enlightenment.  The only way to raise the consciousness of others is by demonstrating it in yourself.  All moves toward enlightenment must be fully and completely inner-directed and not the result of manipulation, deception, or coercion of any kind.

Unfortunately, in their efforts to bring others to a more egalitarian society and political system the 17WH are failing to understand the true nature (laws of nature and God and the Universe) required to reach such a place.

How can a military operation such as the 17WH overcome these shortcomings in their understanding.  

  • Release the truth to the people of what they have found, expose the criminals and share the solutions with the people.
  • Bring into the public discussion how to handle the influx of ReptilDNA into humanity resulting in one side of humanity feeding off the other in a parasitical relationship.  Seek solutions in some form of re-education of both victims and prey so that both are aware of the never-ending cycle they are part of.
  • Change the political system from a popularity rule by the majority situation to one that values enlightenment in those who come forward to lead having to demonstrate true leadership abilities.
  • Install blockchain to track any voting system and use quantum machines to secure the vote.

This is just the start of rethinking the 17WH plans to involve THE PEOPLE rather than a select group of wealthy Republican elite and “friends” dominating the movement into the future."

Source: https://projectcamelotportal.com/2022/12/04/the-flaws-in-the-white-hat-military-plan-you-cant-get-there-from-here/

"17WH, The Military and JFK Jr. simply do not have the power to do what you want them to do. They can neither hurry enlightenment and ascension nor slow it. They are part and parcel with the Black Hats, the Deep State, the cabal, the Globalists or whatever name you prefer. Therefore what we have here is simply irregular warfare between two groups, both of whom want to control humanity and rule like kings. The White Hats may claim that they simply want to restore the Constitutional Republic as founded but THAT has never existed. The United States has lived largely on dreams and aspirations of freedom and so on, while the reality on the ground was always far, far short.

The kind of evolution, configuration, ascension etc offered by E’Asha Ashayana is far more likely to bear fruit than any political machinations. Dramatic events have probably drawn more of our attention than they deserve. Covid-19 does not exist. Viruses don’t even exist. Once we start pulling strings we quickly discover that almost all knowledge that humankind holds dear is nothing more than facets of raw ignorance. Given that, it’s no wonder our society functions as a sort of bizarre mud-wrestling match. Of course, almost everything we consume in our medias is pure fabrication and that includes the alternate medias as well. Given that, any observer would find the conduct of the human race on this planet at this time ODD at best. We fight kill and exude nearly infinite levels loosch based on beliefs we do not know, in reaction to events that are not occurring – at least as they are described to us. If anything 2020 is ironic in that it has delivered at least a bit of 20-20 vision which even more ironically reveals DELUSION as far as the eye can see. Delusion, delusion everywhere and not a drop of reality to drink.

Kim G. would seem to offer an attractive third timeline – except for the fact that she continues to report brutal elimination by what she calls ‘The Enforcer’. While the White Hats and Deep State continue to play a sort mind-numbing game of footsies, Kim has essentially issued an ultimatum: either go up-frequency and stop acting like a negatively-oriented being or BE VAPORIZED. That approach may well arrive us at a place where the worst of us have been eliminated, but the sheer brutality and violence required to get there means that the ‘creative act’ of whatever golden age she is attempting to usher in will have started with Genghis Kahn – which means the eliminated beings will not have graduated.

In the end politics is simply a projection on the wall – nothing is solved when one attempts to manipulate the images.

Each of us individually is the projector, solutions there ‘magically’ change what we see on the wall.

Not that I would ask anyone to cut their time short wallowing in the shadows dancing on the cave wall. That needs to happen to the point where a true realization that they are in fact shadows, that there is in fact a wall, and finally WHO the projector is that is making it all happen.

So hold all these cherished actors in the palm of your hand and smile – they are for entertainment purposes only…" Patriot001
