Om Aum Um Ung Ang Ong Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva


When I think of meditating, I think of aauuhhhmm

"OM is a mantra from the Hindu tradition, a Sanskrit word said to be the sound from which the universe and all of creation first manifested...

One understanding is that OM (or AUM) represents attributes of the major trinity of Hindu gods: Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. The sounding of the A represents the energy of Brahma, the creator and the creational process. The U represents the energy of Vishnu, the preserver, and relates to the maintenance and preservation of what has been created. The final M represents the energy of Shiva, the transformer, and relates to the vital transformational energy to shift and change that which has been created and preserved...
Another understanding of OM/AUM is that the A represents the physical plane, the U the mental and astral planes and the M, all that is beyond the reach of the intellect...

In the Tibetan Buddhist tradition, the OM (AUM) represents different aspects of the trinity of the Body, Speech and Mind of the Buddha, or an enlightened being. The A represents the body, the U represents speech, and the M represents the mind. Sounding the AUM in this manner puts one in resonance with these qualities of consciousness...
OM can, through our intent, become a multi-purpose mantra with capabilities of resonating and aligning all the chakras—of cleansing imbalanced energies and purifying self..."
