EFT to Heal Trauma

Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) can help you rid your mind of negative thoughts and emotions, facilitating gratitude
EFT is especially helpful on those days when you feel like nothing is going right or you’ve received bad news
EFT can be invaluable in helping to free you from negativity, leaving room for feelings of gratitude to surface
Gratitude is associated with life satisfaction and multiple health benefits, in part because gratitude may lead to better psychological health and an increase in healthy activities
Gratitude is known to facilitate improvements in healthy eating and benefits depression by enhancing self-esteem and well-being

1.Top of the Head
3.Side of the Eye
4.Under the Eye
5.Under the Nose
7.Collar Bone
8.Under the Arm

Source: Tearless Trauma Technique - https://eft.mercola.com/
