Trauma Healing

What can each of us do to help those around us who are still under mind control? As things became more and more obvious, people will not be able to deny it anymore they are going to be scared. Those of you who didn't drink the Kool-Aid need to ask yourselves, what can I do to help people who are waking up, go through the least amount of trauma as possible?

Trauma Healing

Stage 1:  Shock & Fear. You are going to realize that everything you have been told, is a lie. First, you will deny it and justify their actions and your actions and inactions. Eventually, you will ask yourself, "How did I NOT see this, and that, and that, and that?"

Stage 2: Irritation & Anxiety.  You are going to be angry and scared and you are going to feel like a victim. Your whole world, literally, is going to come crashing down around you. You are going to feel helpless, weak and afraid and not know which way to turn. You will need to accept and acknowledge that you have been lied to and that you ignored all the signs you didn't want to see, before you can move on to the next stage.

Stage 3: Confusion & Depression. You are going to realize that you were part of the problem and that no one is coming to save you. This stage will take the longest to reach and will be the most difficult for most people because of the lifelong indoctrination from various organizations they chose to be affiliated and looked to for instructions on how to live, what to think, how to behave, what to do...

Stage 4: Deep Reflection & Self-Acceptance. Eventually, you are going to realize you don't need anyone to save you. You don't need anyone to instruct you on how to be a good person. You are a good person and you are powerful. You are your own Savior and only then will you will become a Survivor.

Stage 5: When you become a Survivor/Overcomer and you will need to circle back and help the people in the lower stages.

10 Steps to Healing from Trauma © 2000 Martin V. Cohen, Ph.D.
