Dr Group's Body Cleansing Tips & Tricks

 Source: https://globalhealing.com/pages/body-cleansing-diet

The Body Cleansing Tips & Tricks

Do not eat fruits after meals. Fruit should always be consumed on an empty stomach. For example, if you eat a bagel and then some fruit, the fruit will be left in the stomach too long and cause the bagel to spoil, thereby creating an acid environment.

Always eat fruit before meals and wait 20 minutes for the fruit to move out of the stomach and into the small intestine before eating more food. When drinking fruit juice, make sure it is squeezed fresh and not from concentrate in a carton or can. If you drink the juice, hold it in your mouth for 10 seconds before swallowing to allow the enzymes in your mouth to work. According to Dr. Herbert Shelton, all fruit becomes alkaline in the body. If you eat fruit the right way, it keeps your body clean and increases your longevity. A quick and easy way to start body cleansing and look radiant is to do a three-day fruit fast. Eat and drink fresh organic fruit and fresh juices for three days. You will be amazed with the results.

Avoid drinking cold water with meals. The water will solidify the oils (fats) in the meal which will slow digestion. It's best to drink warm water during or after meals. Cold water will also cause the body to expend excess energy to warm the water to body temperature.

Don't eat wheat. According to cardiologist Dr. William Davis, the wheat people eat today is not the same as it was in the 1950s. The wheat people eat today is actually a genetically modified form that was developed in the 60s and 70s. This toxic wheat contains a protein called gliadin, which is an opiate that stimulate appetite and causes obesity.

Don't drink pasteurized cow's milk. Substitute with natural organic alternatives such as hemp milk, coconut milk, almond milk, or raw goat milk.

Avoid artificial sweeteners. Artificial sweeteners are contained in diet sodas, other diet products, and listed in many ingredient panels. The most dangerous sugar substitutes approved for consumer use are: saccharin, aspartame, neotame, acesulfame potassium, and sucralose. Sucralose and aspartame are the most damaging to your body. Substitute with natural sweeteners such as raw organic locally harvested honey, stevia, or coconut sugar.

Avoid refined sugar and high fructose corn syrup. Carbonated sodas are one of the most common sources of refined sugars in the American diet. "Energy drinks" and commercial fruit juices are no better. Avoid the following label ingredients: Corn syrup, Molasses, white sugar, dextrose, sorbitol, processed fructose, and sucrose.

Avoid table salt: Table salt (sodium chloride) is dangerous to consume. It is refined and bleached and depleted of the vital minerals the body needs. It also contains additives that are harmful when ingested. Replace common table salt with Himalayan crystal salt, which is a healthier option.

Avoid white flour: White flour is made from stripping the bran from wheat, bleaching it to remove the yellow color, adding synthetic B vitamins, and increasing the amount of gluten the flour can produce. The synthetic vitamins that are added into the flour are toxic to the human body. Replace white flour with grain-free organic alternatives such as almond, buckwheat, or coconut flour.

Avoid soy products: Soybeans are high in phytic acid, which is damaging to the digestive tract and can block the absorption of nutrients and essential minerals like copper and calcium. Also, most soy contains pesticide residue and is genetically modified. Fermented soy products, such as miso, tempeh, and natto, may be consumed and have been shown to prevent certain cancers and other diseases.

Avoid genetically modified foods. Called recombinant DNA technology, this technology changes the core genetic code of organisms. Scientists use this genetic manipulation to create any trait they wish, or suppress natural traits they don't want. GMO foods are extremely damaging to the body. The best way to avoid GMOs is to eat certified organic foods only.

Don't microwave your food. Using a microwave destroys and radiates all the nutrients in food and beverages. Use non-toxic cookware for preparing foods.

Avoid MSG (monosodium glutamate): A manufactured food additive, MSG is used to enhance the flavor in foods. MSG is injected into lab animals to induce obesity, so you can only imagine what it does to our bodies. Since the introduction of MSG, diabetes has doubled and the obesity rates have skyrocketed. MSG is hidden in many ingredients such as spices, corn oil, frozen and canned foods, infant formulas, foods labeled no added MSG, and cosmetics. See below for label ingredients to avoid.

Avoid the following label ingredients. Natural flavors, soy lecithin, titanium dioxide, autolyzed yeast, bouillon broth, calcium caseinate, hydrolyzed oat flour, hydrolyzed vegetable protein, malt extract, malt flavoring, plant protein extract, stock flavoring, textured protein and yeast extract, all yellow, red or blue dyes, carnauba wax, sodium citrate, anything hydrogenated, dextrin, gelatin, food starch-modified, artificial flavors, colorings and anything you do not know what it is.
