4 Stages of Trauma with Alex Howard

4 Stages of Trauma with Alex Howard

1. Event

2. Response (There are 3 core emotional styles)

3. Defences (Learn to not feel the feelings)

4. Belief symptoms we created/Meaning of the event. (The meaning you placed on the event - I am not worthy. If you ask for help people will reject you. If you show your emotions people are going to get hurt) We are retraumatizing ourselves every day.

To heal our trauma we have to go through each of these in reverse. We can't change the event but we can change the beliefs we created after the event.

Alex Howard is the Founder & Chairman of The Optimum Health Clinic (OHC), one of the world’s leading integrative medicine clinics specializing in fatigue. Alex has published academic research in publications such as the British Medical Journal Open and Psychology and Health, and is the author of Why Me?: My Journey from ME to Health and Happiness and Decode Your Fatigue: A clinically proven 12-step plan to increase your energy, heal your body and transform your life (publication October 2021)

Alex is also the creator of the Therapeutic Coaching methodology, and since March 2020, has been documenting his therapeutic work with real-life patients via his In Therapy with Alex Howard YouTube series. In the last few years, Alex has created some of the largest online conferences in the health and mind-body markets; including the Fatigue Super Conference, and the Trauma & Mind Body Super Conference.

