Dr. Kathleen Wiley will lead a discussion on embodiment from a Jungian perspective


2:30 - 4:30 pm
Dr. Kathleen Wiley

Zoom presentation

Jungian analyst, author, and speaker Dr. Kathleen Wiley will lead a discussion on embodiment from a Jungian perspective, with the title and details of the presentation to be determined.  Speaking on embodiment from a variety of perspectives, some of her past presentations have included "Embodiment in the Virtual World," "Human Being: The Interweaving of Spirit and Matter," and"Embodiment: Honoring the Divine Feminine."
Dr. Kathleen Wiley is a Jungian analyst, author, and speaker living in North Carolina, where she maintains a private practice with individuals.  She is known for her accessible spirit and language in exploring complex Jungian concepts. She has a passion for illuminating stories of the Holy Bible with understandings of how our body, mind, and soul take shape in us.  Her work focuses on empowering people to live from a conscious connection to the larger Self, also known as God Within. She is currently working on a new book, New Life: Emerging from the Darkness, Alchemical Transformation through the Scriptures. 
