The Art of Conscious Creation



It has been such a long year, yet so much wisdom is being revealed. Let's explore that.

If you are creating something new and exciting in life, or changing the direction of an unhealthy pattern towards a more fulfilling one, or even feeling uninspired, stuck unable to move forward, please look at this carefully. It is time to bring the attention in from the outer world and expand the gifts lying buried deep within yourself. These will build on what you already have to create the new reality you seek. It is possible and very exciting.

Let me share with you the quintessence of what I learned, experienced and refined over the years, culminating in this course: The Art of Conscious Creation (details)I will teach you step by step how to recognize the forces that block you and techniques to root them out. The prep-work is ready to get you started. Love to see you there next week.
Love and God Bless,

Phone: +1.515.720.9520
The Art of Conscious Creation
