Cool Marriage Vows

To the one and only who calls to my soul, this is my pledge:

*I offer my love without conditions. … I choose to open up my heart and give you my all, holding nothing back. I know that exposes my heart to being hurt, but that's not as important as being authentic and letting love flow freely.

*I offer my love without judging. … I choose to let love guide me into unexplored territory with you. I acknowledge that my mind doesn't know what my heart does, and so I surrender to the higher way. I surrender to you.

*I offer my love without attachment. … I choose to let go of my fears of rejection and the need to have control. I let go of any false notion that I have the right to make you my possession or to own you. I will not be "clingy" but hold on loosely but without ever letting you fall.

*I offer my love without expectation. … I choose to give without knowing what I will get back in return, although I know I can never give without receiving. I am complete in myself, and offer love from a place of wholeness, not from any lack or need within me.

*I offer my love without measure. … I choose to give, and then I choose to give some more. I am an overflowing spring and know that the love within my soul comes from the divine and can never run dry.

*I offer my love without regrets. … I choose to keep my heart soft and vulnerable, and not to shut you out when things don't go my way. I exercise forgiveness at every chance, just as I receive forgiveness for my mistakes.

*I offer my love without end. … I choose to love you with all of my being no matter what conditions surround me. 
I will love you through the hard times, should they come, just as much as I will love you through the happy times. Always.

Heart of my heart; soul of my soul; how I love you.

~ Daniel Nielsen
