Beauty Prayer

Beauty Prayer

Dear God,

Incredible beauty exists on this earth.

Beauty expresses as nature.

Beauty expresses as art, music and architecture.

Beauty transports us to higher levels

Of consciousness, inspiration, imagination and action.

Beauty is a by-product of loving myself, the Earth and all life.

I thank You, Lord, for beauty. It is a treasured gift.

I acknowledge that ugliness in my environment

Reflects that part of humanity—and that part of me—

That is confused or would seek to punish itself for being unlovable.

I acknowledge that creating ugliness in my home

—or in the world—

Is the saddest form of self-hate.

As I read this, the power of my mind

Is multiplied exponentially by all who read and speak this prayer.

Across the Web of Humanity, we join our Minds together

And accept that we are—and I am—worthy.

You now raise me

—and us—

Up into the attractor energies of self-appreciation and beauty.

As part of Your Magnificent Whole,

I cleanse and beautify my physical life and,

In doing so, cleanse and beautify my mind.

The beauty of meaning, connection, inspiration and love

Now fills me, and with me, all humanity.

I am innocent. I am valuable.

I am intrinsically lovable.

You, God, love me as I am.

You fill me with Divine Enthusiasm.

I now experience immense joy and appreciation of myself.

I embrace myself with love, as my gift to You.

I surround myself inside and out with beauty.

Beauty shines within the eyes and souls of people I speak with

And it energizes me.

The beauty of intimacy in everyday conversations

Heals my loneliness, and my self-doubts.

Daily, I tell myself I am beautiful and worthy of Your love.

Because these are true things in Your heart, I embrace them.

By loving myself, I create more joy in my life.

In pure joy, I make the world more lovely.

My life is a beautiful gift to You, My Beloved.

Thank You for making me a caretaker of Beauty.

And so it is, Amen.

Gregg Braden says Shanto Begay (sp?) sums this prayer up in 3 lines.

The beauty that I live with - Reminds us that Beauty exists everywhere - it lives everywhere we don't have to create it our job is to seek it out

The beauty I live by - Invitation to allow beautify to be a guiding force in my life
invitation for Beauty becomes the lens from which we perceive and interrupt whatever happens in our lives.

The beauty upon which I base my life - If we can find that we are changed.

Gregg'ss favorite quote, "Work is love made visible."

It takes work to change the way we talk and think but it can change the way we view the circumstances in our lives.

fork in the row pictograph
hopeeee map of time
