Gemstone Characteristics, Meaning & Properties

Gemstone Characteristics, Meaning & Properties

Gemstones and Gemstone Healing Energy - Meanings & Properties

Everything is energy and everything vibrates at varying frequencies. Do you want to change your vibration? It is as easy as changing the station on the radio and the first step is intention.

Ascended Master Saint Germain said if you want to change any aspect of your life, heal any dis-ease or create abundance in any and all areas of your life, you need to raise your vibration/frequency.

Each gemstone is unique and has a specific vibration, energy or resonance. Healing gemstones have been used for thousands of years by ancient and recent civilizations all over the world, including here in the United States, as powerful healing tools to heal the body, mind and soul of dis-ease and clear energy blocks.

*You can put more than one gemstone, per string. If you choose 1 string and list 3 gemstones, I will put all 3 gemstones on a 1-string bracelet. If you pick 3 strings and you list 3 gemstones, I will do a full string of each gemstone.* All gemstones are between 2-4mm or chips. 

Card with Message: I will include a card with the popular characteristics of the gemstone(s) on your bracelet, inside your package.

Charms: You may add charms to your bracelet too. Contact me before, during or after you place your order with special instructions.

Aquamarine: Courage - Harmonizing - Calming
Turquoise: Protective - Spiritual - Intuition
Rose Quartz: Unconditional Love - Peace - Relationships
Rhodonite: Balance - Love - Clearing

Amethyst Chips & Amethyst Round Beads: Amethyst Meaning - Love - Centering - Protection - Spiritual - Focus - Chakras - Throat and Heart 

Aquamarine Chips & Aquamarine Round Beads: Aquamarine Meaning Courage - Harmonizing - Support - Calming - Tolerance Aquamarine is said to be highly protective or mom and baby and discourages miscarriage. 

Aventurine Beads: Aventurine Meaning: Fertility - Prosperity - Leadership - Compassion - Empathy - Perseverance 

Citrine Chips & Citrine Round Beads: Citrine Characteristics, Meaning & Energy: Money - Sucess - Manifestation - Creativity - Self-Control

Red Coral Round & Red Coral Chips: Red Bamboo Coral Characteristics, Meaning & Energy:  Passion - Intuition - Imagination - Visualisation - Friendship

Emerald Chips: Inspiration - Infinite Patience - Unconditional Love - Integrity - Bliss

Fancy Jasper Round & Fancy Jasper Chips:  Supreme Nurturer - Tranquility - Wholeness - Protection - Grounding Chakras - All Chakras

Fluorite (Rainbow) Beads: Fluorite is said to increase your libido and stabilize hormones and Protective - Cleanses - Purifies - Organization - Grounding.

Garnet Chips & Garnet Round: Energizing - Revitalizing - Serenity - Kundalini - Balancing - Energizing - Revitalizing - Serenity - Kundalini - Balancing chakras - Clears All

Hematite Grounding - Concentration Focus - Harmonizing - Confidence - Hematite Grounding - Concentration Focus - Harmonizing - Confidence 

Hessonite Jasper Beads: Improving Luck - Dreams Come True - Turns Negative Energy into Positive Energy

Lapis Lazuli Beads: Lapis Lazuli meaning - Enlightenment - Physic Abilities - Power - Serenity - Reverse Curses - Chakras - Opens Third Eye & Balances Throat

Jade Beads: Jade is said to protect the wearer from harm while aiding in fertility - Purity - Serenity - Wisdom - Protective - Luck

Moonstone: Moonstone is said to regulate fertility cycles, balance emotions and is said to have the power to grant wishes. New Beginnings - Intuition - Calming - Clairvoyance - Balancing

Ocean Jasper Beads: Ocean Jasper Characteristics, Meaning and Properties: Tranquility - Wholeness - Cleanses - Aligns - Balances

Onyx Beads: Onyx Characteristics, Meaning and Properties: Strength, Protection, Intuition, Self-Confidence, Balance 

Freshwater Pearls - Pearl Characteristics, Meaning and Properties: Intuition - Spiritual - Prosperity - Positive Energy - Protection 

Peridot Round Beads, Peridot Chips: Peridot Characteristics, Meaning and Properties: Protective, Cleansing, Focus, Spiritual, Purpose

Clear Quartz Beads: Clear Quartz Characteristics, Meaning and Properties: Balance - Amplifier - Energy - Concentration - Meditation

Rhodonite Beads: Rhodonite Characteristics, Meaning and Properties: Rhodonite is said to stimulate fertility and help heal emotional and physical wounds.

Riverstone Beads: Riverstone Characteristics, Meaning and Properties:  Invigorating - Positive - Enlivening - Spiritualization - Energy

Rose Quartz Round Beads & Rose Quartz Chips: Characteristics, Meaning and Properties: Rose Quartz is said to increase overall fertility, heal heartache, encourage unconditional love, provide protective energy and remove fears.

Turquoise Beads: Turquoise Healing - Protective - Spiritual - Communication - Intuition and is said to provide protection and is a grounding stone and known to aid in fertility.

Unakite Beads: Unakite is said to cleanse and balance our bodies and used as a fertility aid - Vision - Grounding - Calming - Rebirth - Growth

Ruby Zoisite: Manifesting - Creativity - Recovery - Fertility - Positive - EnergyZoisite is said to be a fertility-boosting and heals disease affecting male and female reproductive organs and stimulates vitality in the root chakra.

Your intention is so powerful! Each gemstone has a distinctive and unique vibrational energy. Gemstones have been used for 1000's years, all over the world and by Native Americans here in the US. There is no scientific study saying these bracelets will change your life. They have not been approved by the FDA. All of our products and services are created to be an enhancement to the user’s own power of intention. All of our products and services are sold, advertised and offered in good faith. Results and outcomes are not guaranteed and may vary. All the information on this website about gemstones is found in Smithsonian Handbooks - Gemstones by Cally Hall, The Crystal Bible, A Definitive Guide to Crystals by Judy Hall & Public Domain.

Time to make: This item will ship within one business day.

Sizing: Please measure your wrist and add 3/4" (7 1/2" is the average bracelet size) I do free re-sizing within 30 days, you just pay the shipping back and forth.

Guarantee: Size and Satisfaction is Guaranteed.

Cleaning: Only use a sterling silver polishing cloth or any super-soft damp cloth.

Copyright, LivingInLightAndLove (TM), 2001-2020
Made in the USA
