
Leigha is not a physician, nutritionist, dietitian or psychologist and does not practice medicine. The website, a clearing session, blog, jewelry, gemstones or anything else affiliated with Leigha and Living in Light and Love are not intended as a substitute for the diagnosis, treatment and/or advice of a qualified licensed medical professional. All products and services provided by Living in Light and Love, the sister sites and Leigha are designed, created, made or infused with specific intentions or energies but the products and services rely on the receiver's free-will to make positive changes in his/her life. The products and services are sold and advertised in good faith. We cannot guarantee a particular outcome and results may vary. The receiver accepts full responsibility and liability for their thoughts, actions and all outcomes and results of the products and services offered. I also offer links to products I personally use or find interesting. If you find one interesting too, as always, do your due diligence.

