
Generally, Garnets are often seen as stones of power, protection, and grounding. They're believed to promote passion, love, creativity, and self-confidence.  In some traditions, garnets are believed to assist with physical and emotional healing depending on the color and type of garnet. Additionally, different colors carry distinct associations:
Red: Deep red is the most common variety. It is associated with love, passion, vitality, and overcoming challenges (Almadine & Pyrope).
Orange: linked to creativity, joy, abundance, and social connections (Spessartine).
Yellow: associated with intellect, communication, self-expression, and optimism (Grossularite).
Green: connected with healing, growth, prosperity, and inner peace (Grossularite & Uvarovite).
Pink: linked to compassion, empathy, relationships, and emotional balance  (Spessartine).
Purple: associated with spirituality, transformation, intuition, and inner wisdom.

Chakra balancing: 
Some believe garnets can balance and activate different chakras depending on their color.

Red garnets: Root chakra (grounding, security)
Orange garnets: Sacral chakra (creativity, pleasure)
Yellow garnets: Solar Plexus chakra (power, confidence)
Green garnets: Heart chakra (love, empathy)
Pink garnets: Heart chakra (love, compassion)
Purple garnets: Crown chakra (spirituality, enlightenment)

General properties: Garnets are often seen as stones of power, protection, and grounding. They're believed to promote passion, love, creativity, and self-confidence. Additionally, different colors carry distinct associations: Red: associated with love, passion, vitality, and overcoming challenges. Orange: linked to creativity, joy, abundance, and social connections. Yellow: associated with intellect, communication, self-expression, and optimism. Green: connected with healing, growth, prosperity, and inner peace. Pink: linked to compassion, empathy, relationships, and emotional balance. Purple: associated with spirituality, transformation, intuition, and inner wisdom. Chakra balancing: Some believe garnets can balance and activate different chakras depending on their color: Red garnets: Root chakra (grounding, security) Orange garnets: Sacral chakra (creativity, pleasure) Yellow garnets: Solar Plexus chakra (power, confidence) Green garnets: Heart chakra (love, empathy) Pink garnets: Heart chakra (love, compassion) Purple garnets: Crown chakra (spirituality, enlightenment) Healing properties: In some traditions, garnets are believed to assist with physical and emotional healing. Specific beliefs vary depending on the color and type of garnet.
