Reiki and Pendulum Dowsing: A Powerful Combination

Reiki and Pendulum Dowsing: A Powerful Combination

When Usui Reiki, a renowned healing modality, is combined with other techniques like Spritirual Response Therapy, Jin Shin Jyutsu, Beyond Quantum Healing etc., the results can be truly remarkable. Recently, I've been exploring the incredible potential of combining Reiki with Pendulum Dowsing, and the outcomes have been nothing short of amazing.

But before we delve into the details, let's understand what exactly dowsing entails. Dowsing is a method used to detect energy and seek answers to various questions. Its origins can be traced back to ancient China, where it was employed to find solutions to life's queries. The popularity of dowsing surged in the 1920s when German practitioners started using it to locate underground water, gemstones and minerals with the help of a dowser.

The pendulum, a common tool in dowsing, typically provides three general answers: Yes, No, and Maybe. These answers are reasonably accurate as long as the questions asked aren't overly time-bound. For instance, asking, "Will I meet my soul mate tomorrow?" doesn't guarantee an accurate response. However, rephrasing it as "What is the likelihood that I will meet my life partner within 6 months?" Your chart should have 0% through 100%. I have also used my fingers if my chart isn't readily available... Pinky= 20% and Thumb =100%.

In my practice, I have both a Rose Quartz and a Crystal Quartz Pendulum on .925 sterling silver chains.

Bonding with your pendulums is crucial; treating them with care and even giving them a name fosters a strong connection. Personally, I've named mine Thoth, as he has become an essential companion, guiding me with accurate answers and aiding me in the healing process.

Now, let me outline the steps for charging a pendulum and obtaining answers with Reiki:

I do a "prep to work" to begin. It is a list of things to clear, for example, any blocks seen and unseen...
Then I call in Archangels Michael, Gabrael, Raphael & Urael to surround me and fill the room with white light.
Then I connect to my Reiki Masters & Guides and Protector Gods etc...
When I feel my face start to tingle I know I am being blessed and protected (it will be different for everyone).
Then I charge my pendulum with the Reiki symbols and connect it to my heart chakra.

I then proceed to ask it questions. I have many charts to help me with healing, balancing, removing blocks, dispelling negative energies etc...

In conclusion, combining Reiki with Pendulum Dowsing can be a transformative and effective way to enhance healing and gain valuable insights. By harnessing the power of this combination and developing a strong connection with your pendulum, you can unlock new dimensions of healing and guidance for yourself and others.
