Hermeticism or Hermetism - Greek god Hermes and the Egyptian god Thoth

Hermetism of ancient Egypt is believed to be a primeval, divine wisdom or the only true theology given only to sages by God.

Hermeticists believe in a prisca theologia, the doctrine that a single, true theology exists, that it exists in all religions, and that it was given by God to man in antiquity.

use of the term was greatly popularized by nineteenth- and twentieth-century occultists

same universal perennial philosophy

Hermeticism or Hermetism is a philosophical belief system based on the writings of Hermes possibly from 300BCE to 1200CE. Not to be confused with Religio-Philosophical Hermetic writings created by an offshoot possibly between c100 and c300 CE. 

Marsilio Ficino's (1433–1499)
Lodovico Lazzarelli's (1447–1500)
Giovanni Pico della Mirandola (1463–1494)
Paracelsus' (1494–1541)  
Agostino Steuco (1497–1548)
Hermetica (i.e., astrological, alchemical, and magical Hermetica, such as the Emerald Tablet)
Frances A. Yates advanced the thesis that Renaissance Hermeticism, or what she called "the 
Jan Baptist van Helmont (1580–1644)
Robert Boyle (1627–1691) 
Isaac Newton (1642–1727)
Zoroaster, Orpheus, Pythagoras, Plato, the 'Chaldeans', or the Kaballah

Hermes Trismegistus - Egyption priest king beleived by some to be the reincared Thoth

Fun Facts

The caduceus is a symbol of Hermeticism

Hermes Trismegistus supposedly invented the process of making a glass tube airtight (a process in alchemy) using a secret seal. Hence, the term "completely sealed" is implied in "hermetically sealed" and the term "hermetic" is also equivalent to "occult" or hidden.[17]

Many have argued over when the seventeen treatises were written.

God as 'the All'

In the philosophical Hermetica, the ultimate reality is called by many names, such as God, Lord, Father, Mind (Nous), the Creator, the All, the One, and the creator of the all

Quod est superius est sicut quod inferius, et quod inferius est sicut quod est superius.

That which is above is like to that which is below, and that which is below is like to that which is above.

Three parts of the wisdom of the whole universe "The three parts of the wisdom of the whole universe" is a phrase derived from the Emerald Tablet referring to three disciplines purportedly known to and taught by Hermes Trismegistus.


Alchemy, or the operation of the Sun, is not merely the changing of lead into gold, it is an investigation into the spiritual constitution, or life, of matter and material existence through an application of the mysteries of birth, death, and resurrection. 


In Hermetic thought, the movements of the planets are believed to have meaning beyond the laws of physics and actually hold metaphorical value as symbols in the mind of the All, or God, which have influence upon the Earth, but do not dictate our actions; wisdom is gained when we know what these influences are and how to deal with them, and this wisdom is astrology, or the operation of the stars. 


Theurgy, or the operation of the gods, is one of the two different types of magic, black magic and divine combine and the ultimate goal of which is to become united with higher counterparts, leading to the attainment of divine consciousness.
