Aries for the Month of October 2022 Cherie Baning

A Divine message is coming to you and you will be communicating to humanity. It is a very important month for you! You will be expressing specific messages the Universal Messages that you have been receiving or are going to receive. You will be compelled to tell it to others do not keep it to yourself. The blue represents Communication or Throat Chakra - you will be communicating the truth. The truth is going to come out.  Your intuition will be opening this month so the truth will come out.

Mars is your planet. You are ready and going to be passionately to take action. You will be relaying what is coming to you to others. You are a messenger this month. Information is coming to you and you need to relay it to others. You will be slaying the dragon with your messages.

Pay attention to dragons. Look up the definition of Dragon...
dragon definition
  1. A mythical monster traditionally represented as a gigantic reptile having a long tail, sharp claws, scaly skin, and often wings.
  2. Any of various lizards, such as the Komodo dragon or the flying lizard.
  3. A fiercely vigilant or intractable person.

Language of Light Deck - Nourish - 23 = 5
You are being given a message of truth from the Universe so you can share this divine message with people on earth. This will NOURISH the earth.  2+3=5 Truthtelling
Must be told. Needs to be told. Necessary to be told and you are the messenger, Aries.
The truth has been hidden from humanity/world until now. You are the one to bring it out into the light of day so we can all see, receive and know it consciously what has been hidden.

Meditation Card/ Swords
Incoming messages and thoughts will come into me when you are in that quiet space, meditation or dreams.  When you are calm and balanced it will come to you.

Judgment - The Trump is Sounding
This message has been calling you but you have been ignoring it because the truth isn't something that has been told and you are afraid. This truth has been hidden, you know, and you are in the minority. You have a fear of being accepted. The Trumpet is sounding and you must speak the truth. You are to tell the truth now. However nervous you are about being accepted, you need to tell the truth. You will be driven and you are not going to be able to stop. Action is now and you will be courageous. You will be able to.

7 of Cups
You have been keeping it quiet. Whatever you have been imagining (positive or negative) about how the reaction could come back to you, regardless of that it is time to take action. It has been stifling you - not anymore. It is time to take action. The truth is the truth. It must come out no matter what the original or first reactions of people are. It is going to trigger people, positively and negatively. Your responsibility is to speak the truth. You must take action.

Queen of Cups

You are standing in that high energy passionate emotional power and of service. High energy, your energy, Queen of Cups. You have the ability to combat any negative responses that you have been concerned about.  You will know how to say it. You have the power. Queen of Cups and she knows how to compassionately yet sternly speak the truth and react or not react or how to react what to say and what not to say with the reactions that will come back to you because of the truth you have told. You will know absolutely know how to handle it. No one can steal your power. You have your boundaries. You know how to act in this type of situation. Especially now with the information you are sharing this month. Don't doubt it, you are equipped, you are courageous, you are emotionally balanced inside and you can and will stay in power and stay compassionate too mno matter waht reaction you get.

6 of Swords

Humanity must hear the truth you need to speak. This is you standing in your power when you are telling the truth. This is going to take you to peaceful waters by expressing it. The truth will eventually bring ease. This is what will happen... you fear turbulence but it takes you into peace and balance and it takes others out of the turbulence they have been in and takes them to smoother waters too. The truth you are sharing will help every single individual that hears what you have to say. Increases humanity's balance and ease - it takes humanity out of the turbulance that they have been in. Not just you but for every single individual that this truth reaches. They will see the truth in their time. It might take a while. There is a blessing in disguise and they will see the truth in their time. It will take humanity to calm, unity, peace, harmony, compassion, and cooperation - humanity in general - it will take the people into the highest way forward for humanity and the Aquarian Age. You are assisting in that whatever you have to say. Whatever service you will provide. you will assist humanity. Do not doubt that. You have the energy, and courageousness and you have the green light from the universe to do this now. Do not doubt that. The time is Now. This is your confirmation. 


You need to simply speak the truth, pure and simple and you let the cards fall where they may. You are going to get different views and different emotions from the truth you speak. You still speak the truth! You are going to bring people out of the storm and into the calm waters! This is what people need right now. They need to be brought into the light of the truth.

Courage - Strength - Wisdom - Knowledge

You have the courage, strength, wisdom and knowledge. You have it inside of you whether you know it or now you have the strength, courage, knowledge, drive and passion, Mars is doubling assisting you, and giving you the green light. It could hit some people pretty hard who have been in the dark and they had no clue. People need to hear it - they need that emotional, physical crash that will assist them. They are clocked and you are assisting in the unblocking. The truth will give them the freedom of choice they will have the freedom to choose. The truth will open up something that was closed off. If humanity doesn't have the truth they don't have the ability to make proper decisions for their own selves. Opens up something that was closed off.  The Universe is behind you 100%.

No Sugarcoating - do not sugarcoat the truth. If you try to do that the message will be lost. The truth will be lost. no sugar coating - say it straight as it is.

49- Willing Release

Speaking the truth, release it out of you. It is locked up inside of you. If you didn't know when the right time was - the time is now. Release it now, Share it. You are assisting in others' transformation. You will enable them to have their wishes come true. This is a wish for you too. This is will assist you in transforming too.

Speak the truth with emotion and compassion so that those listening will receive in the best way possible. That is you. You have that ability.

20-Marry Motive

You want the truth to be told. You know the truth must get out and must be spoken.
Must be aired out now. The truth must come out - air the dirty laundry and lies the manipulation. 
You are letting people know that whatever was told before is not correct

11 - In Perfect Harmony
This will put harmony back in humanity. The truth will create harmony and it will create peace. Even if it doesn't at first. The truth is always the best. 
You are waiting for information to back up what you are getting intuitively.
You will absolutely receive positive results after you go ahead and speak the truth.

This is very plain. It is repeating the same thing over and over again for you.
