"The Zen Executive: Gems of Wisdom for Enlightened Leadership"

Gems of Wisdom for Enlightened Leadership

The Five Principles 

1. God/Source/the Universe is all there is and present everywhere. This is the force of love and wisdom that underlies all of existence. 

2. Human beings are individual expressions of this underlying presence of the Divine and therefore inherently divine and good. 

3. Thoughts have creative power to determine events and attract experiences. 

4. Prayer and meditation keep us aligned with the one great power in the universe. 

5. It is not enough to understand spiritual 6 teachings. We must live the Truth we know by demonstrating and practicing these principles in our daily lives.

Today’s business environment requires a new kind of leader, one with empathy and flexibility. In his new book, "The Zen Executive: Gems of Wisdom for Enlightened Leadership," Jim Blake looks at practical spirituality as the foundation for good leadership. Drawing from his experience as CEO of Unity World Headquarters and a lifetime in corporate leadership, he provides advice on how to lead teams, companies, and communities, while maintaining alignment with principles and integrity. The book is empowering for anyone interested in enlightened leadership. By challenging the reader to harness their own spirituality, it brings new ideas and concepts to the workplace to create success.

Order "The Zen Executive:" https://shop.unity.org/product/the-ze... Learn more about Jim Blake: https://iamjimblake.com/ Subscribe to our YouTube channel: https://youtube.com/UnityOnlineOrg?su... Follow Unity: https://www.instagram.com/unity4today https://www.facebook.com/beunity Subscribe to our newsletters: https://www.unity.org/user/newsletter...

