Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, Clairsentience, Claircognizant, Clairalience, Clairgustance, Clairtangency.

We are all born with divine intuition or divine knowing. Some are born with a genetic predisposition for connecting with the spirit world and caregivers that support and guide us. Sometimes we turn it off in childhood if it isn't received well by our caregivers. Another reason we turn it off is sensory overload. It can be overwhelming if we don't know how to protect ourselves from other people's energies. 

 Here are a few definitions...

Clairvoyance or Intuitive Vision
Clairvoyance is "clear vision". You are able see images or pictures in your mind of objects, people, locations or events.

Clairaudience or Intuitive Hearing
Clairaudience is "clear hearing". You are able to see words or sounds in your mind from the spirit world.

Clairsentience or Intuitive Feeling
Clairsentience is "clear knowing". Clairsentience is the ability to innately feel or sense others' emotions. This is also referred to as empathic.

Claircognizant or Intuitive Knowing
Claircognizant is "clear knowing:. The ability to just know something or something about a particular person, place or thing without any prior knowledge.

Clairalience or Intuitive Smelling
Clairalience is "clear smelling". It is the ability to smell something that no one else can smell. It can happen anytime or anywhere.

Clairgustance or Intuitive Tasting
Clairalience is "clear tasting". It is the ability to taste something without putting anything in your mouth.

Clairtangency or Intuitive Touching
Clairtangency is "clear touching". This is when you are able to gain information by touching a person, place or thing.
