SRT Covid 19

To all of our practitioners, consultants and teachers around the world the Spiritual Support Committee would like to share with you some ideas that we found to be very useful in this time of Covid 19.

It is important for us to deal with the virus from all angles the mental, emotional, physical and spiritual. Please do join us in clearing as this would reinforce the spiritual healing of us all.

  • Fear affects the immune system and attacks our sense of security, please clear fear of this virus.
  • Surround yourself with White Light and know that you are protected.
  • What % am I in mass consciousness fear?
  • Clear the mass consciousness and disconnect from it.
  • Ask that the media be in truth when reporting.
  • Check your immune system: ask what % is your immune system effectively and efficiently working? If less than 100% ask Spirit to Boost your immune system.
  • Clear blocks to raising your immune system.
  • You can apply the virus pattern.
  • What % are you reflecting on love and positive energy on the virus? We need to come from a place of love, not fear, so ask to raise your love to 100%
  • Clear your home and workspaces as they also hold the virus energy.
  • The crown (corona) chakra needs to be cleared and opened, this would ensure your connection to Spirit.
  • Clear the membranes with a mathematical code of health.
  • Clear any identification with groups that believe in fear and separation from the source of healing.

We thank you for being part of our SRT Family and keeping us all healthy and safe.

SRA Spiritual Support Committee      
